Accelerated Regional Transportation Improvement Program, Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA
As the Executive Officer of the Metro Highway Program, Lan Saadatnejadi was responsible for the first Caltrans-Metro joint development of a public-private partnership (P3) project. The project included a package of six state highway improvement projects throughout Los Angeles County:
I-5 North Capacity Enhancement and Major Rehabilitation
SR-71 County Line to Mission Boulevard Freeway Conversion
SR-71 Mission Boulevard to I-10 Freeway Conversion
Soundwall Package #10 and Soundwall Package #11
The proposed P3 type is design-build-finance-operate-maintain (DBFOM) with availability payments. Project development was on a fast-track schedule to accelerate the delivery of these project elements.
Lan led the development and implementation of the Program / Project Management Plan, Communication Plan, Risk Management Plan, P3 Business Case, Project Business Plan, Value for Money Analysis, P3 Agreement, Caltrans – Metro Cooperative Agreements, Project Proposal Report, and Procurement Plan. She also led the development and implementation of very aggressive and successful public and agency outreach programs. The project gained momentum and received broad base support.