Highway Program, Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA
As the Executive Officer of LA Metro Highway Program from 2011 to 2014, Lan Saadatnejadi was responsible for the delivery of a $20 billion highway improvement program in Metro’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). A key component of the LRTP is a set of projects funded by Measure R, a 1/2 cent sales tax passed by the voters of Los Angeles County to improve mobility throughout Los Angeles County. Lan was responsible for agency coordination, developing and implementing program delivery strategies, program/project management policies, Program Management Information System (PMIS), sub regional program delivery and management processes, and public and agency outreach programs.
Some of the projects included:
SR-138 Capacity Enhancements
High Desert Corridor
Arroyo Verdugo Subregion Operational Improvements
Las Virginese Subregion Operational Improvements
South Bay Cities Operational Improvements
I-5 North HOV Widening
I-10 HOV Widening
I-5/SR-14 Interchange Improvements
SR-71 Gap Closure
Soundwall Retrofit Program